Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm verry sorry

I'm verry sorry for kept silent such a long time. I am studing in the Northeasern University, and I enjoy my my life in university very much. Victoria you reminded me happest time in my life, that taking bus along the Lhasa river or along the Yhalong river and viewing the the scenery outside the window. Not for particular reson, I like watching mountains in my hometown, there are seem to so powerfull to me that I want to become one of them. There are mountains everywhere in Tibet and I love all of them. I think the mountains have the felling and they are watching evry changes of the world around them peacefully. As victoria mentions, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter and snow-capped mountains are diminishing, and lower sea level place like Japan may facing the dangrous to cover by water if this sitution cotinues. So, it is important to us do whatever we can do to stop it from happening.

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